Nicholas van Son

Term: Spring 2020

Professor: Maged Guerguis

Program: Public Library + Park
Site: Gay Street, Knoxville, TN
As a series of research investigations into contemporary technology, Super Booleans utilizes simple boolean operations (such as intersection, difference, and union) as an attempt to develop new design methodologies and workflows. During the research, both physical and digital fabrication techniques were developed through computational design and algorithmic modeling. Drawing procedures borrowed from stone stereotomy and descriptive geometry and were utilized toward the production of two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional objects paying close attention to surface properties like surface normals, intersecting curves, and other boolean operation resultants. These research practices then culminated in an architectural scale application.

Super Booleans proposes a new library in downtown Knoxville, TN with a focus on bringing new indoor and outdoor community spaces to the area. The development of this library stemmed from a series of boolean operations which were catalogued according to the programmatic needs of the library. From this catalogue, various geometric combinations were assessed and diagramed with one chosen iteration pushed for final project development.
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